A Day in the Life

A day that I spent in Belize was drastically different than a day I spent in America. In Belize, I would wake up at 7 am to get my day started and immediately be getting ready to go eat breakfast and go out into a village to be setting up the clinic for that day. In America, the day I took pictures of was a day that all I had to do that day was babysit. I woke up significantly later, around 10:30, made breakfast for myself and picked up the little boy. I spent majority of my day laying out by the pool. Afterwards, I went and got dinner with my friends and hung out with them. Throughout the day, I got to find myself watching a lot of Netflix, especially my favorite show friends! Overall my day in America was pretty relaxing and fun. Although I did not mind, I definitely felt more useful and productive in Belize. This helped me realize that I am a lot lazier in America than I was in Belize. During my trip, I got up early and at the same time everyday, did a bunch of activities throughout the day, ate dinner and basically went to sleep right after to do it all over again. It was very routine. In America and especially during the summer, my life is not as routine or nearly as productive. I have realized that I enjoy both and should work on balancing the two more in the future. No matter the country I am in though, having friends and spending time with them is something that is extremely important to me and I value deeply! I have to have my friends wherever I go!

One thing that was similar is I eat out way too much! I really want to try to work on making more food for myself.


A typical day for me in Belize would look like this……

A typical day for me in America would look like this…

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